Hanjoon Shim | 심한준
Hanjoon Shim | 심한준
About Me
Changdon Kee
Seoul National University
Development of an Autonomous Rendezvous Orbit Control System for SNUGLITE-III CubeSat Using Real-Time Kinematic Based Precise Relative Navigation
Efficient Integer Ambiguity Resolution Techniques for RTK-Based Relative Navigation in the SNUGLITE-III CubeSat Rendezvous Mission
Precise GPS Relative Navigation for SNUGLITE-III CubeSat Rendezvous Mission: Overcoming Challenges in Precision and Efficiency
Low-Cost Satellite Angular Velocity Determination Method through Optical Flow Tracking Based on Flownet
Ultra-Low Cost Hardware-In-the-Loop Simulation for CubeSat Platform: Implementation and Verification of Momentum Wheel-Based Attitude Control
Enhancing Real-Time Kinematic-Based Relative Navigation for CubeSat Rendezvous: Ambiguity Dilution of Precision Perspective on Integer Ambiguity Resolution
Analysis of Orbit Control System Using Aerodynamic Drag for Propellant-less Rendezvous Mission of SNUGLITE-III CubeSat
Highly Efficient Real-Time Kinematic-Based Precise Relative Navigation for Autonomous Rendezvous CubeSat
Development of Orbit Control System Using Aerodynamic Drag for Autonomous Formation Flying Mission of SNUGLITE-Ⅲ
Critical Design of SNUGLITE-III Cube-satellite for Formation Flight Mission
Development of GPS Precise Relative Navigation System for Autonomous Rendezvous-Docking Mission of SNUGLITE-III CubeSat
Verification and Hardware Implementation of Single-Frequency RTK-Based Precise Relative Navigation for SNUGLITE-III CubeSat
Analysis of Relative Motion after Inter-Satellite Separation for Formation Flying Mission of SNUGLITE-Ⅲ
Ground Experiments and Performance Analysis of SNUGLITE-Ⅲ Cube Satellite for GPS Attitude Determination
Verification Technique for the Single-Frequency RTK Relative Navigation Algorithm of SNUGLITE-III CubeSat Performing Autonomous Formation Flying
Operation Results of SNUGLITE-II CubeSat: Convective 3D Observation and Precise Attitude Determination Using GPS Carrier Measurements
Single Frequency RTK Relative Navigation for Autonomous Formation Flying Mission of SNUGLITE-III CubeSat
Development of Hardware-In-the-Loop Simulation for CubeSat Platform: Focusing on Magnetometer and Magnetorquer
Critical Design of Electrical Power Subsystem of SNUGLITE-III CubeSat
Result of Satellite Telemetry Analysis of SNUGLITE-I CubeSat for 4 Years
Preliminary Design of Electrical Power Subsystem of SNUGLITE-III Cube Satellite
Preliminary Design of SNUGLITE-III Cube-satellite for Formation Flight based GPS Radio Occultation
Precise in-orbit relative navigation technique for rendezvous mission of CubeSats using only GPS receivers
Real-time Software Verification Technique of Attitude Determination and Control System for CubeSat
Verification of Space GPS Receiver Navigation Performance Based on Full-Orbit Navigation Solutions of CubeSat
Initial Operation Result of SNUGLITE-II Cube-Satellite
Rendezvous Technology of SNU CubeSat (SNUGLITE-III) Using Only GPS Receivers
SNUGLITE-II Cubesat Ground Station Configuration and Ground Operation Test
Probabilistic Determination Algorithm for Detumbling and Angular Rate Convergence using a Three-Axis Magnetometer
HILS Verification of SNUGLITE-II Cube-Satellite Attitude Control System Equipped with Reaction Wheel and Magnetorquer
SNUGLITE-II 큐브위성의 전력계 분석
Single Frequency GPS Relative Navigation for Autonomous Rendezvous and Docking Mission of Low-Earth Orbit Cube-Satellites
Integer Ambiguity Estimation for SNUGLITE-II Cube Satellite GNSS-based Attitude Determination
Quaternion-based Optimal Controller Design for SNUGLITE-II Cube Satellite Attitude Control System
Centimeter-level Precision Smartphone Navigation Using RTK
Performance Analysis of GPS/GALLILEO-Based Attitude Determination for CubeSatellite
A Preliminary Design of SNUGLITE-II Cube-Satellite for 3D Atmospheric Remote Sensing with GPS Radio Occultation
Long-Tem Operational Results and Analysis of the SNUGLITE Cube-Satellite
In-Orbit Results and Attitude Analysis of the SNUGLITE Cube-Satellite
Verification of Space GPS Receiver Navigation Performance Using a Cube Satellite
Design of Helmholtz Cage for Verification of Attitude Determination and Control System SNUGLITE Cube-Satellite
Orbit Determination and Performance Analysis by Using Navigation Solution Received from SNUGLITE Cube Satellite
Attitude Determination of Cube-Satellite using Multiple GPS Antennas
Relative Navigation for Autonomous Rendezvous and Docking of Nano-Satellite Based on DGPS
Analysis of On-board GPS Receiver Navigation Solutions for SNUGLITE Cubesat
Attitude Determination and Control System Verification of SNUGLITE Cube-Satellite on Orbit
Development and Launch Preparation of SNUGLITE Cube-satellite Observing Space Weather and Earthquake using GNSS signals
SNUGLITE Cubesat Ground Station Communication and Control System Operation Test
운용 시나리오를 고려한 SNUGLITE 큐브위성의 자세결정 및 제어 시스템 지상환경 HILS
Altitude Estimation by Integrating Barometer with Accelerometer
Development and Verification of Attitude Determination and Control Algorithm for SNUGLITE Cube Satellite
Single-Axis Hardware in the Loop Experiment Verification of ADCS for Low Earth Orbit Cube-Satellite
Single-Axis Attitude Determination and Control System HILS Considering Ground Environment of SNUGLITE Cube-Satellite using Magnetoquer
위성항법 신호를 이용하여 우주환경관측 및 지진관측 수행을 위한 저궤도 큐브위성 개발