Media Report on Feb 21, 2023

Feb 21, 2023 12:00 AM

뉴스페이스 시대 우주경제 개척자와의 대화

  • Title: A conversation with a space economy pioneer in the Newspace era (Invited Event)
  • Source: 대한민국 대통령실 (Office of the President of the Republic of Korea)
  • Language: Korean
  • Invited to an event hosted by the Office of the President of the Republic of Korea


Releted Media Report (Selected)

1) 대한민국 우주경제 시대, 우주항공청을 최고의 연구개발 플랫폼으로! [뉴스페이스 시대 우주경제 개척자와의 대화]

  • Title: A conversation with a space economy pioneer in the Newspace era
  • Source: 대한민국 대통령실 (Office of the President of the Republic of Korea)
  • Language: Korean


2) 이과인들의 간담회에 윤하의 등장이라…대통령실이 그를 초대한 이유는 무엇이었을까?

  • Title: Yoon Ha appeared at a meeting of science students… Why did the Blue House invite him?
  • Source: 비디오머그
  • Language: Korean


3) ‘우주개척자’ 만난 尹 “우주산업 국가가 관리하고 키워나가갈것”

  • Title: President Yoon met with ‘space pioneers’, “The space industry will be managed and developed by the state”
  • Source: 동아일보
  • Language: Korean

Hanjoon Shim
Hanjoon Shim
Postdoctoral Researcher