Research Blog on Dec 08, 2023

Dec 8, 2023 12:00 AM


  1. Fit to Standard 3U Size CubeSats
  2. Two series-connected AzurSpace 3G30A solar cells
  3. Sun sensor and temperature sensor on a single PCB 1.2mm thick (Gomspace Interstage GSSB is compatible)

In the SNUGLITE-III project, one of the main focus (to reduce budget) was on the fabrication of the solar panels for the CubeSat. I was solely responsible for the entire process, from PCB design to fabrication. Using Gomspace products as a benchmark, I ensured that all the solar panels were compatible and could integrate seamlessly with the system. Additionally, I verified the functionality of the panels through vacuum testing and solar simulator experiments, confirming that they performed as expected.


Hanjoon Shim
Hanjoon Shim
Postdoctoral Researcher