SNUGLITE-II is a standard 3U CubeSat that was launched on June 21, 2022, at 16:00 Korea Standard Time (KST) as a payload on the Nuri (KSLV-II) rocket. It was subsequently ejected from the picosatellite orbital deployer(P-POD) of the Performance Verification Satellite (PVSAT) at around 16:23 on July 3rd. The first communication with the CubeSat was successfully established when it responded to a command from the ground station at approximately 03:24 the next day. This paper presents the operational results of the SNUGLITE-II CubeSat, which were obtained during a 10-day period from July 3rd to July 12th. The data used for analysis were collected through the ground station located in Building 302 of Seoul National University, as well as from ground stations operated by SatNogs, a network of amateur radio enthusiasts. Additionally, satellite status information recorded by the ground station command was collected and classified chronologically. The collected data consists of beacon data transmitted by the SNUGLITE-II CubeSat at 10-second intervals in the UHF band. It encompasses various information, including satellite uplink commands, GPS navigation data, power levels, attitude control, sensor measurements, temperature readings, and identification flags. By analyzing the collected data, the operational conditions of the SNUGLITE-II CubeSat were evaluated. The performance of the domestically developed GPS receiver for the CubeSat was verified, and the technical operation results of the self-developed attitude determination and control system were confirmed.